Tiverton Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Tiverton Criminal Defense Attorney

It can be devastating to be charged with a criminal offense. Regardless of the details of the charges, you may be feeling overwhelmed, confused, and even angry at what you are dealing with. Any attempt to try and handle the case on your own could result in a loss, which would then result in a criminal record. If you are facing criminal charges, you should seriously consider reaching out to a Tiverton criminal defense lawyer for assistance in your case.

best tiverton criminal defense lawyer

Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Facing criminal charges is a very serious situation. It may be safe to say that it is a considerable source of stress for you as you attempt to navigate the charges and your ongoing life at the same time. Criminal charges can cause quite a strain on your life, affecting your job performance, your personal relationships, and the way people perceive you. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can lend you their focused knowledge and help you come out ahead of the charges.

Criminal charges can mean facing an assault charge, a DUI charge, or even a drug offense of some sort. Regardless of the details of the charges, the end result could be prison, fines, or some other penalties. The longer you wait to hire a criminal defense lawyer to represent you, the higher the chances that you could lose your case and face those consequences. You are going to need a solid defense strategy, evidence that supports your claim, and sound legal advice.

Dealing with an Arrest in Tiverton

For many people, criminal charges become real once they are arrested. An arrest can feel like your entire world is crashing down around you, and you have already lost. That may not be the case. You deserve a chance to defend yourself publicly and legally. Never forget that you are always innocent until proven guilty, and you are granted a number of constitutional rights that law enforcement cannot prevent you from exercising, including your right to legal counsel.

Exercising your constitutional rights is going to be vital to ensuring police officers do not take advantage of you during a vulnerable time. They may try to guilt you or intimidate you into admitting wrongdoing of some sort. Their case against you may not be as strong as they’ve implied, and they could be relying on a confession as the foundation of their case in Tiverton, RI. Stay strong, request your lawyer, and say nothing to the police until your lawyer arrives.

Contact an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

Knowing how to handle yourself in the wake of criminal charges may be greatly beneficial to your case, as it can prove your cooperation and even temperament. If you decide to represent yourself and forego legal representation, you may not be prepared to handle the stress and the spotlight. A good lawyer can make sure you are afforded the chance to fight for yourself, and they can represent your interests throughout your case.

At Ellison Law LLC, we can help you build a strong defense plan and work to reduce or even dismiss the charges against you. Contact us today to talk about your case and how we can help.

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