Providence Gun Crime Lawyer

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Providence Gun Crime Attorney

The right to bear arms is a constitutional right, but it is not an absolute right. Gun owners must follow federal and state laws pertaining to who can own a firearm and how those weapons are used and stored. If you are facing firearm-related criminal charges, you can rely on the legal services of a Providence gun crime lawyer to protect your rights and secure a favorable outcome to your criminal case.

best providence gun crime lawyer

Why Choose Ellison Law LLC?

The Providence criminal defense attorneys at Ellison Law LLC understand the importance of defending clients from criminal penalties, which could jeopardize their future and financial well-being. Our team can work tirelessly to clear you of wrongdoing following a gun crime charge. By developing a strategy that systematically weakens the prosecution’s case, we can secure a favorable outcome that allows you to avoid serious penalties.

We treat all our clients with dignity and respect because you are not just a number to our firm. While some law firms tell their clients what they want to hear, we are always honest and forthcoming about your case, including the potential benefits or consequences of decisions you make regarding your situation.

Understanding Rhode Island’s Firearm Laws

A firearm refers to any device that is designed to propel a projectile. Under the state’s definition of a firearm, many devices could lead to gun crime charges.

The following devices could be used as grounds for prosecuting a gun crime:

  • Pistol
  • Rifle
  • Air rifle
  • Blank gun
  • Air pistol

Rhode Island prohibits individuals under 21, convicted criminals, and those deemed mentally incompetent from owning a firearm. Committing a crime with the use of a firearm can lead to enhanced penalties, which can include additional prison time beyond the sentence for the underlying offense.

State laws also govern how firearms are transported. Anyone who carries a concealed handgun must have a valid permit. It is a serious offense in Rhode Island to tamper with a firearm’s serial number. State law also requires individuals to report gunshot wounds to the police immediately.

Potential Consequences of a Gun Crime Conviction

Gun crimes can lead to life-altering consequences and a permanent criminal record. Even a first-time offender could face substantial fines, jail or prison time, and the loss of firearm rights. If the gun was used in the commission of a crime, the use of a weapon could lead to enhanced sentences that can add years to a prison sentence.

Even when a sentence is served, having a criminal record could lead to challenges in finding housing or gainful employment. A felony conviction can be particularly damaging to your reputation.

Convicted felons are prohibited from possessing any type of firearm, and restoring those rights can be challenging and costly. Non-citizens convicted of a crime could face a denial of residency rights or deportation.

Effective Defense Strategies for Gun Crime Defendants

Your attorney can use one or more of many potential defense strategies to fight your charges. If law enforcement violated the defendant’s constitutional rights, any evidence collected during that search could be suppressed.

Another potential defense could include arguing that the defendant was unaware of the firearm. Proving lack of possession or knowledge could lead to a case dismissal. Self-defense using a firearm may be justifiable if the firearm was used legally and the defendant faced a serious or perceived threat.

Certain crimes require proving criminal intent. If the defendant did not knowingly violate firearm laws, that could reduce the criminality element of the offense. Another potential defense is to argue that the cops arrested the wrong person.

Why Legal Representation Is Critical for Fighting Gun Crime Charges

If you do not understand the complexities of Rhode Island’s gun crime laws, you may fail to develop a strategy that works to secure your freedom. A gun crime attorney understands the constitutional implications of gun crimes, what your rights are, and how to negotiate a favorable outcome to criminal cases involving gun crimes.

Securing this outcome requires an approach that chips away at the prosecution’s case while searching for new evidence that could potentially exonerate a defendant. A criminal defense attorney can handle all these steps on behalf of a defendant.

Providence Gun Crime FAQs

Q: What Disqualifies Someone From Owning a Gun in Rhode Island?

A: Rhode Island law prohibits firearm ownership for individuals with felony convictions, domestic violence convictions, or restraining orders. Those deemed mentally incompetent, drug addicts, or habitual drunkards are also disqualified. Additionally, individuals under 21 years old cannot purchase a handgun. A knowledgeable gun rights attorney can determine whether you were eligible to own a firearm at the time of your arrest.

Q: Can a Lawyer Legally Conceal a Criminal?

A: Yes, an attorney can provide legal counsel to someone who has committed a crime in Providence, RI. Being open and transparent with your lawyer is critical for helping them defend you in court. Anything you tell your defense attorney is protected under attorney-client privilege, and the courts cannot ask them about those conversations.

Q: What Is the Latest Gun Law in Rhode Island?

A: In 2024, Governor Dan McKee signed Rhode Island’s Safe Storage of Firearms law, which requires gun owners to store firearms in locked containers or with safety devices. The law imposes increasing penalties for violations, especially if a child or prohibited person gains access. Supporters, including survivors and advocacy groups, emphasized its role in preventing gun-related tragedies.

Q: Can You Legally Carry a Gun in Your Car in Rhode Island?

A: In Rhode Island, firearms may only be transported in a vehicle if they are unloaded and secured in a separate container. Handguns must be carried to and from a home, business, or authorized shooting range. A concealed carry permit is required to carry a loaded firearm in a vehicle. Violating these laws can result in criminal charges.

Schedule Your Gun Crime Consultation Today

If you are facing gun crime charges, you need a legal team that has successfully handled those cases. The lawyers with Ellison Law LLC know how to scrutinize the evidence used against you and how you were arrested. They can use their findings to detect weaknesses in the prosecution’s case or missteps by law enforcement.

Our ultimate goal is to secure a favorable outcome to your case that could potentially result in dropped charges, reduced charges, or a favorable plea bargain agreement. Don’t delay preparing your defense. Contact Ellison Law LLC to schedule your consultation.

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