Providence Assault Lawyer

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Providence Assault Attorney

Assault charges are taken seriously in Rhode Island, and the consequences of a conviction can lead to serious penalties that can include jail or prison time. If you are facing assault charges, working with a Providence assault lawyer can enable you to avoid the harshest penalties under the law. A Providence criminal defense attorney can fight your charges by scrutinizing the evidence used against you and developing legal strategies that chip away at the prosecution’s case.

best providence assault lawyer

A Criminal Defense Law Firm That Gets Results

The trial-ready criminal defense attorneys at Ellison Law LLC have successfully defended clients in Providence for decades. We understand how serious an assault charge can be and how criminal charges can leave you feeling uncertain about the future. That’s why we allocate the time and resources needed to properly defend our clients.

There are many effective defense strategies that can secure a favorable outcome for your case. Having legal representation allows you to push back against the accusations made against you. By presenting your side of the story and gathering evidence to understand what really happened, our law firm can secure a resolution to your case that lets you avoid the harshest penalties under the law.

Understanding Assault Charges in Rhode Island

States often have differing definitions of what constitutes the criminal act of assault. In Rhode Island, assault can include the threat of committing bodily harm. This means you do not necessarily have to physically touch the victim to be charged with this crime. This type of charge is known as simple assault.

If you physically contact someone with the intent of causing harm, you may be charged with battery. Battery could result from a kick, punch, shove, or grabbing someone.

Battery and assault are often charged together, and many people confuse or combine the two. However, they are separate crimes, and either offense can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the harm done to the victim, the intent of the assailant, and the involvement of aggravating factors. The use of a firearm or the targeting of a vulnerable victim could qualify as an aggravating factor.

Potential Defense Strategies for Fighting Assault Charges

Your criminal defense attorney can gather evidence and investigate your case to prove that the acts you committed do not meet the legal definition of assault. If the victim of the crime was attacking you or preparing to attack you, you could argue that you acted in self-defense. The court would consider whether your acts of self-defense were proportional to the perceived threat. If they were, your charges could be reduced or dropped.

Your defense attorney could also work to undermine the criminality element of the charge. Committing assault requires an intent to cause fear of or actual harm to the victim. If your actions were misinterpreted or accidental, your attorney could argue that you did not act with criminal intent.

The burden of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt falls on the prosecution, and any steps that weaken the state’s case against you could bolster your defense. One example would be to question the credibility of the victim. If there are inconsistencies within the victim’s statements, for example, that could call into question the reliability of their account and weaken the prosecution’s case.

Why Having Legal Representation Is Critical

Criminal defense attorneys understand the state’s assault laws and how to fight their client’s charges in court. Over the years and decades, defense attorneys have seen all kinds of cases. Every case teaches them something new about how to defend their client. When you have strong legal representation, you benefit from their years of experience.

An attorney is also a strong negotiator who can work with prosecutors to secure favorable plea bargain agreements if needed. If your case merits going to trial, your attorney can represent you in court, where they can argue your innocence before a judge or jury.

Providence Assault FAQs

Q: Can Assault Charges Be Dropped?

A: Assault charges can be dropped when the defendant has strong legal representation in Providence, RI. One way that assault charges can be dropped is by the defendant’s attorney proving that no crime occurred. This could be due to false statements by the victim or misidentification. If the defendant was defending themselves from an attack, that could also lead to charges being dropped.

Q: What Are the Penalties for Simple Assault in Rhode Island?

A: Being convicted of simple assault could lead to imprisonment, fines, restrictive probation terms, and other penalties. Even when a sentence is served, the convicted individual could face difficulty in finding work or housing. An assault charge on your record can seriously damage your reputation and prospects. This is why many people who are accused of this crime opt to fight their charges by hiring a criminal defense attorney.

Q: Is Domestic Assault Considered a Felony in Rhode Island?

A: Domestic assault in Rhode Island can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the severity of the incident. Simple domestic assault is typically a misdemeanor.However, if the assault involves a deadly weapon, results in serious bodily injury, or violates a protective order, it may be charged as a felony with harsher penalties.

Q: How Much Does a Lawyer Cost in Rhode Island?

A: An attorney in Rhode Island charges either a flat fee or an hourly rate for services. The ultimate cost of your defense may depend on:

  • How long your case takes to resolve
  • How willing prosecutors are to offer a plea bargain
  • Whether your case goes to trial

In the long term, legal representation can save money by preventing an outcome that impedes your career prospects.

Schedule Your Assault Charge Consultation Today

Being charged with assault can be an unsettling ordeal, but charges do not mean that you will ultimately be convicted of a crime. With strong legal representation, you can fight your charges and question the prosecution’s assertions about what happened the day you were arrested.

The criminal defense attorneys at Ellison Law LLC stand ready to tirelessly defend you in court. Our firm has more than 50 years of combined experience in securing favorable outcomes for our clients’ assault cases. Take the first step by contacting our office today to schedule your consultation.

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