Our client was charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Rhode Island. This was charged as a civil traffic violation,…
Our client was charged with Conditions Requiring Reduced Speed - Move Over Law in Rhode Island. This is a traffic violation that can result…
Our client was charged with Shoplifting in Rhode Island, which is a misdemeanor criminal offense in Rhode Island. It has potential punishments of…
Our client was charged with a DUI in Rhode Island. This is a criminal offense that has potential penalties of jail, probation, a…
Our client was charged with Domestic Assault and Domestic Refusal Relinquish/Damage/Obstruct Telephone in Rhode Island. Domestic Assault is a criminal offense that has mandatory penalties…
Our client was charged disorderly conduct in Rhode Island. Disorderly Conduct is a criminal offenses in Rhode Island. We performed an investigation into…
Our client was charged with Domestic Assault in Rhode Island. This is a criminal offense that has mandatory penalties associated with it, such…
Our client was charged with Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol in Rhode Island. This is a misdemeanor criminal offense in Rhode Island. It…
Our client was charged with Speeding in Massachusetts, which is a civil traffic violation. They had a Clerk Magistrate's Hearing…
Our client received a license suspension from a court order from a civil judgment they received. We were able to…
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