Our client was charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Rhode Island. This charge has the potential of serious consequences such as hefty fines, a license suspension, a criminal conviction and the potential of jail time. Understanding the stakes, our attorneys started to work.
They began by analyzing the evidence and gathering information about the incident so they could understand the full context. They reviewed police reports and gathered mitigating factors while working closely with our client to hear their side.
While in court, we engaged in negotiations with the prosecutor and they agreed to a three month “not guilty filling.” This means that if our client avoids legal issues during the filling time (three months), the charge would be not only dismissed but automatically expunged. Our client did not have to admit to the criminal charge, thus keeping their not guilty plea and innocence intact. At Ellison Law LLC we are committed to fighting for our clients. If you ever need legal assistance in Rhode Island, contact us today.
Attorney David Ellison is the Founding Attorney of Ellison Law LLC.
Attorney Allyson Quay is an Associate Attorney for Ellison Law LLC.
Attorney Justin Lisi is an Associate Attorney for Ellison Law LLC.
Laurie Ellison is the Operations Manager for Ellison Law LLC. She is a Certified Public Accountant.
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